Hilarious but too close to the realities coming to us in ways we still can't imagine!

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Well, as I discovered long ago in my college philosophy classes, since the philosophers were usually pretty consistent with what they said about A-Z based on the particulars of their worldview, all I needed to do was to make certain I understood the particulars of their worldview, then, if I encountered a test question asking what one or another said about this or that, I could just improvise and usually get the question right or at least partial credit.

So, with stuff like the above, written in 2022, based on what I had already understood about the primary mechanism of action back in late 2020, I was able to project the likely outcomes of the basic products in terms of expected classes of adverse events and then how basically that whole scene created the most significant advance in biowarfare and bioterrorism ever.

When Covid Inc has access to the medical records of billions of people and can cross reference it with all sorts of other information about them gained from other very significant data breaches, like employer, job title, education, medical records, positions in military, police, first responders, pilots, air traffic controllers, gas pipeline operators, nuclear and other power plant operators, people who handle international shipping, domestic freight train traffic, etc, and given how much shipping, scheduling, raw materials ordering is handled by computer, then it would be relatively simple (compared to the previous millennia of human existence, but even 30 years ago) for someone with access to all those records, especially now with the evil genius of AI to facilitate the planning and coordination, to come up with a plan of who is going to have what added to his next “booster.”

And it could be planned in such a way to have a cumulative or pancaking effect: find all the most critical positions that have the most other things riding on them, and then second and third levels on down the line, and figure out which part of the day, which time of the month, and year, together with which parts of the country would provide the initial most destabilizing effect, and then slip into those boosters the particular genes that would cause the greatest catastrophic failure.

Once enough of those are identified and the type and onset required to set everything in motion in the shortest amount of time, it would, in effect, be the biomedical equivalent of building demolition: you don’t need a huge amount of explosives to destroy something, just enough at the key points that, once started, gravity does the rest.

I will look for one of those pieces where I described how it all could be done.

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There will be a slight delay. Something happened in the substack app that deleted the first half. Now I have to recreate it.

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I found it. I’ll try to get it up today.

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Soon there'll be an mRNA injection to help you with that <heart>

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I agree as well. Hilarious and the only thing to add is all that will go wrong on the path to designer humans.

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Okay, I found what I was talking about called, My Bestest Ever Conspiracy Theory. I’ll be putting it up today.

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Thanks. See my response to Tony Porcaro.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Could you pls stop following me? This was not your first attempt. And I know precisely why. I am tired of blocking you! Thank you.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Sorry… Someone keeps on following me since I exposed him. Even the Vigilant Fox started following me since that time, and I am not even a contact creator. I just know and can prove certain things inconvenient to some.

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