I wonder if he is able to understand what you are saying even though you included examples. It’s his “daily song” for a few years. I got tired of it and unsubscribed.

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It may be that his purpose in saying that is not for describing reality but for shaping people’s views of reality for polemical purposes.

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Unsubbed yonks ago. Alexander is an earnest but stupid guy.

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Here are Malones actual patents


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Just an FYI. I have a very high capacity of learning and of understanding. Your explanation was extremely clear. So my most recent question about Malone has more to do with his claims than Malone.

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I have heard him say things that no one with his background should be saying. And I’ve seen him fail to say things that he should have been among the first to say. And the combination of those is troubling.

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This is a great explanation. To me it defines clearly the process, its inventor and how that process was used recently. I am glad to see that part of the picture clearly. That puts to bed one of just under a dozen very serious contrarian statements and claims by Malone. One of those less than a dozen wild statements is his video claims in front of tweens and young high school students from Hawaii was that “COVID 19” altered the human DNA but the Pfizer Moderna et all gene editing shots did not. What are your thoughts on that Gregorio?

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It’s a feature of some RNA viruses like Herpes simplex (fever blisters) and Herpes zoster (chickenpox) that their ENTIRE genome can be recoded into a DNA form by means of cellular reverse transcriptase and then be inserted into that particular cell’s nuclear genome.

Later, as the result of who knows what kind of trigger, environmental or hormonal, the DNA-encoded viral genome can be transcribed into mRNA and exported to the cytosol where it will be treated exactly as it had been when first dumped there by the original infecting virus, meaning new infective viruses will be created and shed and the eruptions are seen as fever blisters, genital herpes, or shingles. And those pustules contain real, honest-to-goodness viruses that can be passed along to and infect other people.

As those cells containing those DNA-encode viral genomes continue through cycles of mitosis, their numbers as a total percent of the population of that particular cell type can increase.

The viral mRNA Pfizer product (two different names, same product), when applied to a cell culture of human hepatocytes, has been demonstrated to be recoded into a DNA form by cellular reverse transcriptase and then inserted into the nuclear genome.

There is absolutely NO reason why the consequences would not be exactly the same--except that you can’t make an infective virus from a single viral gene.

But here is what would happen:

1. When triggered, that DNA-encoded version of the viral gene would be transcribed into viral mRNA and exported to the cytosol and translated into viral protein.

2. The cell, via cytosolic sensors, will detect the presence of both viral mRNA and viral protein and signal the innate immune system that it has been infected by a virus and is in viral replication phase. It really isn’t, because it’s only one viral mRNA gene and one viral protein. But that’s the minimum necessary condition to trigger an alert.

3. The innate immune system launches innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill those compromised cells.

4. In the case of Herpes simplex you have a fever blister or a genital herpes outbreak. In the case of Herpes zoster, you get shingles which is much much worse (I know from personal experience).

5. But since the viral mRNA products use cell transfection reagents that are indiscriminate, you have healthy cells being invaded in multiple organ systems simultaneously. This vastly increases the chance of a cellular reverse transcriptase event occurring and it vastly increases the chance of it occurring in multiple cell types in multiple organ systems.

So, thinking about the implications of that is what led me to describe the features of what I called my Single Gene Theory of “autoimmune disease.”

You can find that somewhere in my substack posts. I wanted to get it posted so in case later someone else comes up with it, I can claim prior authorship.

My theory of single viral gene origin of autoimmune diseases explains all sorts of prominent features of that class of disorders. But it also enabled me to make predictions of what you would see happening when that phenomenon occurs as a result of viral mRNA product use.

Many autoimmune diseases are tissue or organ-specific, which makes sense because many viruses target cells sporting specific cell surface receptors they manipulate to gain entry. So if one or another organ system was compromised by a particular virus, then the cellular reverse transcriptase working on a single viral gene would be doing so only within those cells that had the specific cell surface receptor.

The single viral gene, recoded as a DNA version and inserted into the nuclear genome on those particular cells, will be passed along into a growing population of daughter cells. As their lineage grows in number as a percentage in that particular cell type, then when whatever happens to be the trigger for re-expression as viral mRNA, an increasingly larger number of cells, because of their inherent ability to spot viral mRNA and viral protein, will be setting off increasingly larger signal for the innate immune system to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks.

Is it a feature of autoimmune “disease” to start off small and increase in severity in the affected tissues or organs over time? Yes. Can this be explained as being due to the growth in the percentage of compromised cells in those tissues by the normal process of mitosis of those cells containing DNA-encoded viral genes? Yes.

So, okay, that would be a really cool explanation of the central cause of many or maybe most autoimmune conditions.

But it should scare the SHIT out anyone considering 1. the likely outcome of this from the viral mRNA products, 2. how it could be completely overlooked, 3. and what we could expect to see over the coming years.

1. You would see innate immune inflammatory attacks on multiple organ systems,

2. It could be overlooked or misattributed as

A. some mysterious rise in the number of autoimmune conditions,

B. a mysterious increase in the number of specific types of autoimmune conditions compared to their pre-2021 numbers,

C. a mysterious rise in the number of multiple autoimmune conditions in single victims and in numbers post-2020,

D. a mysterious increase in the severity of particular types of autoimmune conditions post-2020,

E. a mysterious growth in the number, type, and severity of autoimmune conditions among demographic groups usually not given to them and in a manner post-2020

But you would also see this:

1. Those increases post-2020 in A-E above would be almost exclusively among recipients of viral mRNA products,

2. You would see increases in numbers, multiple numbers, and severity in a dose-dependent manner with the number of viral mRNA injections,

3. You would see throughout the world a progressive growth in autoimmune conditions that tracks

A. with the date of introduction of those products,

B. with the professions who first and then subsequently received them,

C. with the age groups and the order in which they received them,

Finally, imagine this: a world in which over 2/3 of the entire human race is experiencing an increase in the number, type, severity, and multiple instances of autoimmune disorders.

Imagine these different instances in a single individual being provoked by their own unique triggers, leading to an increasing number of people with increased levels of suffering and experiencing those attacks in overlapping manners.

Imagine how the most vulnerable populations, children and infants, and the old sick elderly would fare?

The old sick elderly, already compromised to within inches of death, would be pushed over the edge by increased insults to biological processes necessary for survival.

The infants and children who are involved in critical development processes, would, to the degree to which those processes are disrupted, start to develop different types of degenerative diseases and organ failure.

Now imagine some stupid MFs in Covid Inc coming up with a viral mRNA “treatment” of autoimmune disorders.

And there’s not a damn thing anyone could to reverse the damage since it is inherent to the lineages of compromised cells.

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Thank you for this laying out of the way you see it. Your focus on ever increasing autoimmune diseases is something I have been acutely focused on with my discussions with Dr. Laura M Braden. She is a microbiologist who has worked with CRISPR tech and she explains the same thing you are expecting. The random nature of the TRANSFECTION in each person makes it impossible to develop an autoimmune cure of one size fits all cures as the nature of the disease has roots in different takeoff points within each person. My other major concern is the impact on the spermatozoa. Anyone reproducing may be reproducing a mutant.

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a lot of substack authors are bashing Malone.

It is dumb and ignorant. Your comparative examples are excellent.

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Thanks, Rosemary.

I remember when Paul Alexander thought Malone could do no wrong. I had questions about why Malone and his group of critics were as closed-mouth as Covid Inc about the primary mechanism of action common to ALL those products since I knew that Malone, like me, had been very familiar with it for decades.

However, I came up with a very plausible explanation for that which I described to Alexander. But it wasn’t too much longer after that that he embarked on his Malone is the Covid Antichrist, which was just stupid.

And when I tried to rein him in on that, he responded with, “Your buddy, Malone” blah blah blah and I had to remind him who it was who had just been acting like Malone could shit nothing but gold nuggets and rose petals.

So when I see such wild excursions of affect with no sensible explanation, together with what I know to be historical inaccuracies and made-up terms like “mRNA technology,” then I had to conclude there was weird shit going on.

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