Yes, this looks like it could get progressively worse if I understand the author!? I know some unwise people are still taking these jabs! God help us all! What have these evil, greedy, big pharma pyschos done the the human race?!?!

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It’s the single largest instance of iatrogenic disease in human history.

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This is going to be terrible. Is there any way to reverse this? How then shall we proceed?

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It’s already terrible and, given that they’re continuing to double down on it and are making plans to switch over existing viral protein vaccines to viral mRNA forms, it’s only going to get worse.

And if just the physical consequences aren’t bad enough, their deliberate use of this as part of social engineering proves they are one of the most ghastly expressions of socialist totalitarianism yet.

One way that it certainly won’t be reversed is by that poor clown McCullough proposing to use the very same primary mechanism of action to shoot people full of sRNAs and what he calls “ribonuclease targeting chimeras.”

That proposal certainly makes it look like it’s the same people with one hand in Covid Inc and the other hand in “opposition” to Covid Inc putting on a show of bashing each other like Punch and Judy puppets.

The only way to proceed is not by taking what they’ve done as a given and trying to devise policies to offset what they’re continuing to do. If something is causing bad effects, the most important thing to do is not to focus on mitigating the effects but to eliminate the cause.

When you’ve got social arsonists and snipers and rapists running around, you don’t pour resources into more fire-fighting equipment, more specialized EMS training for treating gunshot wounds, or more innovative approaches to counseling telling people how to just lie back and make the best of it. You identify, track down, and eliminate the cause.

And the last thing you do is worry about the folks behind the cause screaming about all the damage you’ll do by eliminating the source of the damage, because that’s just more of the same self-justifying spin they always engage in.

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Cuts through a lot of hype. The nano stuff and effects of the lipids is also important. Am in UK and undertaker John Olooney has been whistleblowing from early on. Meanwhile, thoughts on this please? https://open.substack.com/pub/anamihalceamdphd/p/rubbery-clot-grown-in-a-petri-dish?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=b7m4j

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I think that both the talk of effects of the nano particle and lipids is entirely missing the point. ANYTHING small is “nano.” Your cells are chock full of protein nano-machines already, ie, that’s literally just life. The lipid particles are, themselves, nanoparticles of lipids. Your body is full of lipid particles anyway, especially after a fatty meal.

The total physical quantity of the nanoparticles and lipids used in transfection methods 5 and 6 is minuscule on the overall scheme of things. What those folks believe to be the effects of those things is actually the effects of what those things were used to instigate: the primary mechanism of action of having viral mRNA hijacking the protein synthesis machinery to make shitloads of viral protein.

It is those two things, viral mRNA and viral protein, inside cells that set off the innate immune inflammatory response and all the trouble that causes. The nanoparticles and lipid particles of cell transfection reagents numbers 5 and 6 are only the delivery trucks for the cellular snipers.

Here’s how it is that what the viral mRNA/viral protein do and not the delivery trucks leads to cancer and other problems:

The innate immune system is constantly working every single moment of every single day to do two things: 1. detect and eliminate threats whose origin lies outside the body, 2. detect and eliminate threats whose origin lies inside the body.

The first consists largely of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxic environmental substances.

The second consists largely of cells that have become deranged (neoplasms), damaged, and old, and dangerous chemical byproducts of cellular metabolism that fail to be contained and dealt with inside the individual cells, because that’s where everything is ultimately happening anyway, inside cells, and then with whatever gets out that needs to be dealt with.

The innate immune system is the primary means of getting all this done. In vertebrates, the adaptive immune system is the major helper. And to the degree that the innate immune system cannot train the adaptive immune system, the adaptive immune system is impaired.

The innate immune system has a certain capacity. Like almost every other process in the body, it can be upregulated and downregulated to meet conditions—BUT, A. It takes time and B. There are limits.

So, just consider this, if the innate immune system with its constitutive capacity at any particular time suddenly gets a huge increase in load of things it has to deal with, what happens before it can gear up to deal with the excess load?

How are its resources going to be used? They aren’t infinite. And they can’t suddenly be increased.

So you have the innate immune system staying on top of things like spotting deranged cells and taking them out before they can proliferate and grow to a mass large enough for a doctor to palpate or to show up in an X-ray, mammogram, Pap smear or TSA test results or to have other effects that could be detected by difficulty peeing or felt by a doctor’s finger up your butt.

Then what happens when suddenly that innate immune capacity is suddenly compromised by having to deal with what appears to be a huge viral infection detected by cells in multiple organ systems throughout your body and then has to deal with what appears to be a flood of viruses in your extracellular fluid compartment and in your bloodstream once the lymphatic system starts dumping all that viral protein into your aorta?

The extra you have to use to deal with the apparently external threat results in a reduction in what’s available to use for constitutive inner threats.

Sure, your body can start increasing the capacity of the innate immune system, but it takes time, and in the meantime, stuff slips by, whether neoplasms or toxins or perhaps even other external threats. It’s like the juggler spinning plates atop poles. He has an inherent capacity for X number of plates. The closer he gets to that limit, things start wobbling and plates start to fall. Yeah, maybe he has an assistant that can step in to help keep it all going. But at some point even that help can be exceeded and things start to crash.

That overloading of innate immune system capacity by the viral mRNA products causing what appears to the innate immune system (and subsequently the adaptive immune system) to be a massive viral infection throughout multiple organ systems is the cause of increases in other things like neoplastic diseases, not the devices used to cart the viral mRNA into the cells.

And the reason people are looking at the devices, so to speak, as the cause is because they are completely overlooking the primary mechanism of action inside the cells that initiates the cause.

Yes, the likeliest explanation of the cause of the big fibrous things around which blood clots can form is the growth of rafts of spike proteins.

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I don't think it is missing the point. PEG, Squalene, graphene, adjuvants , other metals and detritus to deliver or accompany the payload have their own mechanisms of harm, by design. Biosurveillance, WBAN, IOT are secondary after depopulation. Most normies would not get what we are discussing here. Once again, bravo sir.

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Yeah, they’re minor in quantity and effect compared to what they’re used to instigate. The major effect of an adjuvant is to radically increase innate immune response. Again, like chromium can be hazardous, it’s not the chromium in the bumper of a ‘57 Buick 8 that’s causing the damage, but the blunt force trauma of the bumper. At that point, the chromium is just an attendant circumstance.

And there wouldn’t have been any potential problems with the very small amounts of whatever is in the viral mRNA products’ delivery vehicles were it not for the effects of the primary mechanism of action of those products.

You simply do NOT use cell transfection reagents to infect healthy cells with viral genes. Just that basic knowledge should have been enough to shut down all that shit. But they did their best to conceal it and they’re still busily engaged in the attempt.

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Correlation does not equal causation, but looking at autism rates in USA, Alzheimers etc, aluminium adjuvants and chemtrails, poisoned food and water all contribute

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