Edible mRNA vaccines grown in lettuce are a fact… in Canada since 2020.

Elsewhere, it doesn’t say mRNA, but it does say edible plant based vaccines. I wouldn’t be surprised if it included mRNA as the tech to do so exists.


Also Merck is including mRNA vaccine in animals for human consumption for close to a decade.

Are all these lies? I seriously doubt.

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No, those plants produce the proteins.

But no proteins that go into your mouth are absorbed by your body as those or any other proteins.

1. The hydrochloric acid of your stomach denatures the protein into its primary structure. Protein epitopes are lost along with the secondary or tertiary protein structure.

2. In the small intestine the peptidases chop up that primary protein structure into single and double amino acids.

3. Those are transported through the intestinal cells into the body. The protein identity of what was in the plant or in meat is completely lost.

4. With those single and double amino acids your body can make new proteins. But it won’t reconstitute the ones you ate. That information is lost forever.

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Thank you. It is all way too confusing. What I think I see and clearly read, each time turns out to be something totally different. All my research is a huge waste of time and energy. Still science (“falsely so called”). I am very close to giving up on all human science. One huge pile of…

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No, you just have to keep at it. You know how much stuff sculptors have to whack away to finally reveal the image in the stone?

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